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Norbica is a research and design institute dedicated to providing reliable solutions powered by robust, reliable and precise sensors. We are the only company in our field that can develop and manufacture the complete solution from sensor chip level to the analyzing software interface. This allows us the creative freedom to develop the perfect hardware for the perfect solution. Our solutions cover a wide range of applications from passenger vehicle, RV, bus, commercial truck or OTR mining.
When a tire is under-inflated or over-heated, it is impossible to see with the naked eye but can have a profound impact on your business. Undetected it can halt production and cause serious safety issues resulting in lost time and money. The solution? Proactive Tire Management. Monitoring tire pressure and temperature internally with our system will protect your asset, boost safety, and keep production rolling.
Our solution is easy to install on multi-piece steel rims and works with alltires sizes.
Sensors are installed securely on the wheel rim where they are safe from both damage and theft.
Track tire presures and temperatures through the life of a shipment and trend them over time.
Seamless integration with GPS Tracker E8 (our GPS device) enabling proactive fleet management and reporting through MyGPT (our fleet management software).
Wirelessly monitor up to 4 Zones.
Real-time monitoring removes the need for manual tire presures and temperature inspection while “out of bounds” warnings alert you to potential issue.
Deliver safely and with confidence understanding the tire presure and temperature through the chain of custody of your goods.
What makes the Norbica team so incredible is that we believe in fostering a positive work culture that puts emphasis on individual appreciation, group collaboration and creative problem solving. This work culture fuels our team members and drives our success.
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